Course objectives

This course satisfies Illinois Mandated Requirement for 1 Hour training in Alzheimer’s Disease and Other Dementias.

  • 1. Attendees will be able to define dementia and the process by which it is diagnosed clinically.

  • 2. Attendees will identify at least 3 dementia-related symptoms.

  • 3. Attendees will compare at least 3 strategies to connect and communicate with people living with dementia.

  • 4. Attendees will identify at least 3 non-pharmacological interventions for dementia-related symptoms.

Dementia and Alzheimer's in clinical settings

As the prevalence of dementia in older adults is on the rise, the likelihood of encountering patients, clients, or community members who are affected by dementia is higher than ever. This course will give providers an overview of Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias to better recognize challenges and provide supports to those affected by dementia. The course will cover warning signs, diagnostic process, current medication and non-pharmacological treatment, and best practices for dementia-related care. This course will also cover common symptoms at various stages of dementia, as well as communication techniques and behavioral interventions to best support these symptoms. 


Meet our Expert Instructor

Theresa Dewey, ATR-BC, LCPC

Dementia Consultant, Dewey Dementia Consulting

Theresa Dewey is a licensed clinical professional counselor (LCPC) and board-certified art therapist (ATR-BC) with 20 years’ experience in dementia care, intellectual disability care, and end-of-life care. She has worked in various settings, including roles at residential facilities, art therapy studios, a behavioral neurology clinic, and the Alzheimer’s Association. Currently, she provides dementia education and consultation through Dewey Dementia Consulting. She is also a lecturer at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago, where she teaches graduate students in the art therapy department, including courses on ethics. She received a Master of Arts in Art Therapy at the School of the Art Institute of Chicago and a BA in Anthropology/Sociology from Rhodes College.

Course curriculum

About this course

  • $25.00
  • 13 lessons
  • 1 hour of video content

1 CE Credit Hour Required Training

ILLINOIS Health Care professionals, Nurses, Podiatrist, Nursing Home Personals, Respiratory therapists, Speech and Audiology therapists, Occupational Therapists, Physical Therapists, Physicians, Optometrist, Counselors, Psychologists, and Social Workers are required to have one-hour course in training on the diagnosis, treatment, and care of individuals with Alzheimer's disease and other dementias per license renewal period. IL Public Act 102-0399 allows professionals to take this training from any qualified CE provider.

Approved CE provider

Image of NBCC continuing Education Provider logo on the left and with Spring Advisory logo on the right. Spring Advisory, PLLC has been approved by The National Board For Certified Counselors (NBCC) as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 7169. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. Spring Advisory, PLLC is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.

Spring Advisory, PLLC is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Spring Advisory, PLLC maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

The Art Therapy Credentials Board recognizes CE credits granted by NBCC Approved Continuing Education Providers. All CE from Spring Advisory can be counted towards ATR, ATR-BC, and ATCS credential renewals for art therapists per ATCB.

Spring Advisory is an Illinois Social Work CE Sponsor, #159.001540

Spring Advisory is an Illinois Psychologist CE Sponsor, #268.000141

Spring Advisory is an Illinois Marriage and Family Therapy CE Sponsor, #168.000265

Check out other required courses:

From 2023, all licensed health professionals in Illinois are required to take courses on sexual harassment prevention, alzheimer's assessment and treatment, implicit bias training, and mandated reporter training. Each training should be 1 CE credit hour to meet license renewal requirements.


  • Q: I am not a therapist, can I still use this course for my Illinois-required training?

    A: Yes, Per IL Public Act 100-0762 for Sexual Harassment Prevention Training, Illinois Public Act 102-0399 for Alzheimer’s Awareness training, and Public Act 100-0014, Illinois Complied Statues IL 20 ILCS 2105/2105-15.7 for Implicit bias Awareness training, ANY Illinois licensed professionals with continuing education requirements may take these courses from ANY CE provider, that includes Spring Advisory, which is an IDFPR approved CE provider for social workers, psychologists, and counselors.

  • Q: I finished my course, where is my CE evaluation and exam link?

    A: On your course website, look on the left-hand side menu, and find the menu item to the CE eval and exam link. 

  • Q: I finished my exam, but I did not get my certificate, what happened?

    A: It's highly possible that you misspelled your email address when filling out the form. You can retake the exam to get the certificate resent to you. 

  • Q. I passed the exam by 70%, where is my certificate?

    A: You must pass the exam by over 80% in order to obtain your CE certificate, go back to your course page and access the CE link, retake the exam until you pass by 80%. You will be awarded your CE certificate upon passing at 80% or above.

  • Q: I created an account and paid for the course, but when I go to the dashboard, I didn't see my course, what happened?

    A: We often see people create two accounts by mistake due to the misspelling of email addresses. Then the paid course reside in the wrong-email-address account. Unfortunately, this requires manual help. Reach out to the Admin for assistance.

Video: How to use the Spring Advisory Course Website

Compatible Web Technology for Online Course

In order to make sure your course runs well, please make sure your desktop computer, laptop, tablet, smartphone, or smart device has the following:

  1. The most recent version of one of the web browsers in your PC or MAC computer. 
  2. Javascript enabled
  3. PDF plugin
  4. Graphic and audio output capability
  5. Broadband internet connection with a minimum speed of 5Mbps (recommended)
  6. TLS 1.2 is supported by your web browser

CE Requirements and Disclaimer

  • If you require assistance or accommodations for accessibility, please email [email protected]
  • Target audience and the instructional level of this program: Post-masters and post-doctoral level clinicians. Introductory
  • You can find our refund and cancellation policy on our website’s terms of use. By using our website, you agree to the privacy policy and terms of use.
  • There is no known conflict of interest or commercial support in this program. 
  • By taking an online course, in real-time/live or pre-recorded/video, you are required to pass an exam by 80% about the course content in order to obtain your CE Credits and Certificates. 
  • Upon passing the post-test exam at 80% or above, certificates are issued immediately/ within the same 24-hour period. Unforeseen technical failure may cause delays. Please email [email protected] for any issues.  
  • It is our goal to help maintain and advance the knowledge and skills of doctoral-level psychologists. APA-approved Continuing education (CE) in psychology is an ongoing process consisting of formal learning activities that (1) are relevant to psychological practice, education, and/or science; (2) enable psychologists to keep pace with the most current scientific evidence regarding assessment, prevention, intervention, and/or education, as well as important relevant legal, statutory, leadership, or regulatory issues; and (3) allow psychologists to maintain, develop, and increase competencies in order to improve services to the public and enhance contributions to the profession.